Pastor Chuck Musselwhite, The Village Chapel Vandenberg, CA, is filling in for Pastor David Guzik in today's Q&A! Chuck started with a personal testimony and by answering the question "Is Jesus enough?" After that he answered your questions that came in through the live chat window: Is prayerlesness a sin? 9:59 Are the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit” and the “Filling with the Holy Spirit” the same thing? 11:30 What will happen to our bodies during the rapture? 13:20 How do I know for sure if I have been sanctified and set apart from corruption? 14:33 How do I balance career and serving at the local church? 18:29 Can Christians be demon-possessed? 21:53 What is progressive Christianity? 25:30 Is Galatians 6:6 talking about financial support to teachers or something else? 29:33 How do we know what verses God is speaking to us personally, as believers, particularly from the OT? 34:27 Where did Jesus tell His apostles to write down what they see and hear, and compile it into an authoritative book? 36:42 What do you consider signs and wonders? 39:52 Will all children under the age of accountability be included in the rapture? 42:41 Why is God telling Israel to attack the Midianites for causing them to commit idolatry, if it was the Moabites who were responsible? 43:50 Why wasn’t it a problem for Moses to be married to one if they were so evil? 43:50

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